My Top 5 Sources of News


    When it comes to selecting sources of information, I strongly feel as though variety is the most important factor to keep in mind. After all, variety is the *spice* of life! Whether it be catching up on the latest media trends, learning about the state of your local economy, or current debates, there are countless ways to stay informed about the world today. Adding variety to one's daily information consumption helps prevent the creation of personal echo chambers and aids in keeping one's mind open to new possibilities and points of view.

The Wall Street Journal 

    During the pandemic, I discovered that the Wall Street Journal had incredibly up-to-date information in terms of the virus's economic and social impacts as well as vaccine updates. My dad is an aficionado of this news site as it is highly relevant to his profession in the business world. In addition to helpful information on public health and safety, I am also interested in the investment updates this news site offers. Since I started my first job as an HPU Campus Ambassador this past semester, I figured it would be wise to start thinking about future investments. Overall, I would recommend the Wall Street Journal as a relatively neutral news site with plentiful business, economics, and public health offerings. 

The New York Times 

    Among countless news sites, certainly, The New York Times stands out above the rest for its commitment to delivering unbiased, independent, and professional editorial work that is created by experts in various fields. In addition, the news platform delivers up-to-date and expertly grounded articles on a vast array of topics such as politics, business, style, food, travel, and the world to name a few. In addition, when it comes to understanding the solid facts of often controversial political or societal situations, I can typically count on the New York Times to deliver a factual recount of events without injecting too much-preconceived bias. I prefer to make informed decisions for myself in terms of how I perceive global events and politics after exploring facts from various points of view. 

The Community Impact 

    Living so far away from home at HPU, I find it helpful to stay connected to updates from my bustling hometown via the Community Impact. I enjoy reading city and countywide updates from my home, Frisco, Texas, named the fastest growing city in the nation as of 2019. Some important topics I enjoy reading on this site include business growth and expansion, school district policies, and local shops and dining updates to name a few. Also having met the mayor of Frisco on multiple occasions and inspired by his work, I am intrigued by his countless updates about future city prospects and career opportunities coming in the future.

Buzzfeed News

    Now I am well aware that the past few news sources described above are highly academic and educational in nature, but as I also stated earlier, variety is the spice of life. That's why I not only include informative sources on my regular rotation, but also pop-culture-related media outlets that are pure fun and bring me joy! One such platform is none other than  Buzzfeed News, famed for its endless queue of quizzes, Tasty recipes, celeb updates, tweet recaps, and media journalism. Let's face it; after a long stressful day of class, sometimes I want nothing more than to cuddle up under a blanket with ice cream and take Buzzfeed quizzes to find out my Hogwarts house! In essence, it is a media outlet of fun, stocked full of randomness and entertainment to help you unwind and relax. 


    Last but certainly not least is my all-time favorite outlet to keep in touch with friends; Instagram! Acclaimed for its user-friendly, mobile, and image-centered media technology, the app is the perfect platform to post pictures and connect with friends and family. Since I maintain countless close relationships halfway across the country, staying up to date with my Instagram feed helps me connect to those who may geographically be located both near and far. In recent years, Instagram has generated a negative stigma for unfairly objectifying young women and perpetuating mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. However, when utilized correctly and strategically, Instagram can be a great way to generate publicity for different businesses, brands, and causes. For instance, I starred in three different media publications for HPU this year which were published on the app and garnered thousands of viewers and prospective students who were increasingly attracted to the university as a result. In addition, I also heavily access Instagram as a part of my current internship with Reflect and work on designing weekly motivational posts for the account. Despite its controversial reputation and blatant drawbacks, Instagram certainly aids in transcending time and space to connect us digitally from across the globe and accomplish countless objectives. 

Go check out my account! @merran_e


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